Where would you take an out-of-town guest?

CP KFQ, Questions 11 Comments

As the News Sentinel reported yesterday, Knox County is spending a lot of green when it comes to tourism. Whether or not more people are migrating in our direction was not reported. But, if I were an out-of-towner, where should I start exploring?

When you have out-of-town guests visiting you, where do you take them for a real Knoxville experience?

Comments 11

  1. Post

    Here are a couple off the top of my head:

    1. Market Square
    2. The Lake (somewhere off of Northshore)
    3. Litton’s in Fountain City
    4. Sunsphere (because Bart Simpson has been there)
    5. UT (b/c that’s what old Orientation Leaders do)

  2. 1. Nama/Bistro by the Tracks, or Big Eds
    2. Bar Hop Downtown/Market Sq/Old City
    3. Breakfast @ Longs, Petes, or Bruggers
    4. Shopping – The District
    5. Either a UT Game, maybe a festival, concerts, or hit the lake and go wakeboarding with American Boat Center and the Wakeshop/KnoxWake.com guys

  3. If I had to choose one, I’d say the Old City. No other place lets me park once and see good music, have good food, have good drinks, smoke a cigar, and choose from so many patios to sit on.

  4. Food: The north Knox hat trick of Vic + Bill’s, Harby’s and Louie’s

    Sites: UT Football [if its the correct season], the mountains, Sunsphere / World’s Fair Park, Dollywood / Gatlinburg [even though they’re a pretty bad representations of us southerners]

    Pub crawl: Union Jack’s, Toddys’, Sidestreet, around the Old City and Market Square

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