As we stated in a mass e-mail late last night, the ‘Hire Me’ series has received a permanent home. Due to an overwhelming response from the community we have decided to categorize and list each resumé in the new Knoxville Resumés section of our site.
We did this for a couple of reasons: as with any blog, posts start at the top and slowly fade down the homepage eventually making friends with other archived posts. With so many resumés not everyone would have received frontpage exposure like we would have wanted them to.
Hopefully, potential employers that visit this site will find the new categorized layout much easier to navigate, allowing them to hone in on a potential new employee.
To maximize traffic we will place a link at the top of our site that directs straight to the resumé section. We would like to thank Instapundit, WBIR, Michael Silence, Lauren Spuhler, Catherine Marler Rapp and all of our Twitter followers for helping spread the word for us. We <3 you guys! Photography by jackcheng