Jack Neely offers up a Knoxville trivia challenge on the Metro Pulse. Give it a shot.
4 Tennessee Politicians that Blog
Stateline.org has the list. Most notably for Knoxvillian’s, Rep. Stacey Campfield.
A New Bundle of Joy Arrives at Knoxify
The Knoxify group has been growing a lot lately, adding talented new authors from around Knoxville. But last week, we grew in a different way. Brandon and his wife Lauren gave birth to a healthy little girl. Weighing in at 7 lbs 2 ounces, Emerson Frances is keeping her mom …
KFQ: Where Else Other than Knoxville?
Two countries, three busted bottles of travel liquids and one ship later, I’m back in the country. Phew! After a quick trip to Grand Cayman island and Cozymel, Mexico, I pondered the Knoxified Friday question for this week. Coming home to Knoxville sure is sweet after being away for a …
Cupcakes Galore
If you are paying attention, you have noticed cupcakes everywhere now a days. So, Rose Kennedy’s article about Knoxville’s cupcake trend caught my attention in last week’s The Metro Pulse. My roommate is an avid baker and true cupcake-lover (she has been raving about Williams-Sonoma cupcakes since Christmas). I decided to …
Sunsphere proves memorable
Waking up from a nap during a drive back from the beach, a young girl catches a glimpse of the Sunsphere and immediately knows it’s only a short hour until she’s back home for a more comfortable nap in her bed. The young girl, now an adult, was me. I’ve …
KFQ: Impact of Panhandlers
After talking with Brad Hill this week and reviewing the local chatbox, it seems that the panhandling issue Downtown is still a huge topic of debate. I would like to quote Brad’s question for the KFQ: What, if any, impact do panhandlers have on Downtown quality of life? Photography by …
Allison Glock Not Happy with Knox Blogger Outrage
“Anyhow, I guess I stand corrected. Not about the couch. (Then I would sit corrected.) But about the notion that most Knoxville residents are chilled out. Next time I suppose I’ll just write about Pigeon Forge.”
How to use RSS to keep up with your favorite Knoxville blogs
When I meet Knoxify readers, I often ask if they’re an RSS subscriber. Surprisingly, the most common response is a confused face. To shed some light on RSS feeds and subscriptions, I have provided a step-by-step tutorial below so that you can learn how to easily follow all of your …
Bike Buck Karnes Bridge
As others have noted (see here, here and here), the Buck Karnes (Alcoa Highway) bridge pedestrian lane is open. At 12 feet wide, it offers plenty of room for bike and foot traffic along with some great views of the Tennessee River. This lane is part of a larger plan …